Monitoring relay for current-voltage-phase failure / sequence
Phase monitoring relay
In a three-phase system there is a risk of uneven load distribution. If another phase fails completely, damage can occur in the system. When the phase sequence changes, the direction of rotation also changes (e.g. the direction of rotation of a motor). Phase monitoring relays should therefore not be missing in any three-phase network. Our phase monitoring relays protect or monitor the phase sequence, phase failure and voltage.
Voltage monitoring relay | Current monitoring relay
Trouble-free and therefore economical operation can only be achieved with constant monitoring of important network and system parameters. In order to avoid the consequences of errors or to keep them within limits, electronic monitoring relays are available for a wide variety of monitoring tasks. Depending on the type, our monitoring relays for single-phase networks monitor your system with regard to overvoltage | Undervoltage or overcurrent | Undercurrent. Overvoltage can destroy sensitive components in your system if they are too hot. Undervoltage can result in uncontrolled failure of individual components.
min. and max. relays for current, voltage and frequency
The functions of 9 different instruments are combined in a single instrument:
Monitoring relay for undervoltage | Monitoring relay for overvoltage | Monitoring relay for undercurrent | Monitoring relay for overcurrent | Monitoring relay for underfrequency | Monitoring relay for overfrequency | Display TRMS voltmeter up to 500V | Display TRMS ammeter directly up to 10 A, or via current transformer… / 5A | Frequency meter display up to 99.9 Hz
Even if the instrument only has one output relay, the voltage, current and frequency values are independent of one another and can be used in combination with one another if necessary. If it is not important to electrically differentiate which of the limit values has triggered, you can program each limit value independently of the other values as a minimum or maximum limit value. By using the limit values 'in combination', you can activate the relay output together, depending on which limit value is exceeded or undershot first.